Setting off with a free Roller Coaster ride
7pm Sun 28th Oct.
Free screenings of indy documentaries & a Roller Coaster of video clips offering inspiring glimpses of a brighter future contrasted by dark cameos on media deception - all intertwined with a bit of fun and audio visual extravaganza.

Life's a roller coaster And the ride goes up and down and round and round and it has thrills and spills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud. And of course it's fun for a while.
People have been on the ride for a long time, and some begin to question: ..... "Is this real? ..... Or is this just a ride?"
Bill Hicks American comedian Dec 1961 - Feb 1994
About the UnreportedWorld screenings:
Yvan, the proprietor of the Oddfellows is generously hosting Unreported World in the delightfully comfortable upstairs lounge for a two session autumn "season". You will need to buy drinks downstairs.
Roller Coaster is a compilation of anorak notes [video clips these days] offering some good news, some strangely under reported bad news, views, and revelations all wrapped up with a little humour and some music to engage with or chat over.
VJ'ing and surroundings are provide by Derek and there will be opportunity to participate - comments - suggestions - news of life beyond TV. This is an evening of reflection, engagement and "entertainment" and there is no speaker or Q & A. The space is for us all.
Exeter University Transition
Amory Building
Rennes Drive EX4 4RJ
March 15th at 7 pm.
End of Suburbia:
by the The Electric Wall Paper Co. (75 minutes)
Peak oil - car culture - and the cul-de-sac
Oil depletion and the collapse of the American dream. Critical look at the century of oil and the machinations of the corporations in coercing a society into the car culture
Sunday 27 th Feb
doors at 4 pm programme at 4:15
The Future of Food
by Deborah Koons Garcia [88 mins]
Patenting Life -
Corporate Control of our Food
Multiple award winning doc that has featured at a wide range of professional gatherings and grass roots activists events, including Soil Associations, Slow Food, Organic Trade Conventions, Farmers Unions etc.
A stark reminder of speed of change to a corporate controlled world.
Amber Rooms
161 Sidwell Street, Exeter, EX4 6RH
New Season - New Venue - New Programme
Sundays from four - opening doors onto the unreported world
Indy documentaries plus politically inspired feature films in a comfortable lounge environment.
Free screenings 4 to 8 pm.
Sunday 13th Feb.
Doors 4 pm ..... documentary starts 4:15 pm
The Power of Community -
How Cuba Survived Peak Oil ...
A living example of how a country can successfully traverse what we will allhave to deal with sooner or later:-
How Cuba Survived Peak Oil ...
(50 minutes)
the reduction and loss of finite fossil fuel resources.
Classic feature film at around 6:15 pm
He who controls the present,controls the past.
He who controls the past,controls the future.
Corporate control of media, politicians & the people
[84 mins]
A 2003 documentary film written and directed by Robert Kane Pappas. Covered topics include the Telecommunications Act of 1996, concentration of media ownership, political corruption, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the controversy over the US presidential election of 2000(particularly in Florida with Bush v. Gore), and the October surprise conspiracy theory.
Pitcher & Piano
Queen St, Exeter, Devon, EX4 3RP
01392 426 907
This coming Monday 19th July
.... "Installation Evening" ....
Exeter campaign & community groups are welcome to cooperate in these screenings.
7 pm. "The Matrix" - a video poem by South London poet Paradox. (10 mins). 7:30 "The Story of Stuff" Annie Leonard on how global corporatism works (20 minutes)
8 pm. Viewed by millions - Another opportunity to see the most viewed Indy documentary on the global money system.
Money is the tragedy and alternatively the hope for our world. It offers the key to a brighter future both for us & for those that will come after us.
by Paul Grignon (55 mins)
Financial crisis - credit crunch - taxpayers bail out "free market" bankers ..... Hmmm just what is going on?
Who creates money? - Government, corporate and household debt has reached astronomical proportions, how could there be that much money to lend? in truth there isn’t. Today money is debt.
A seriously revealing film. We owe it to future generations to find out how we are being duped.
Monday 24th May at 7 pm
Free screening & optional discussion
Iron Wall
A film by Mohammed Alatar for The Palestinian
Relief Committees. (55 mins ) Starts 7pm
Life behind the Israeli public relations spin. The hidden story of the Oslo “Land for Peace” deal.

Three times as high as the Berlin Wall, this so called “security fence” runs, according to Israel, “generally” along the Green Line, the truce lines from the 1948 War of Occupation.
However the Green Line is 315 kilometres long - the Wall is 670 kilometres long.
"Zionist colonization must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population - behind an IRON WALL, which the native population cannot breach."Vladimir Jabotinsky .. 1923
Can we open our minds to the conundrum of Israel?
Free screening - Come & See
Monday 17th May at 7 pm
Free screening & optional discussion

6:40 pm for a couple of 911 related shorts - (10 mins each) 7 pm for this stunning documentary - (75 mins).
Monday May 10th 7:00 pm
Free screening & optional discussion
Now I can help teach the world how to live without oil says Rebecca Hosking the woman who helped banish plastic bags from her home town.
A 50 mins BBC documentary by Rebecca Hosking who investigates how to transform her family’s farm in Devon into a low energy farm for the future. Sound farming practice for healthy food & sustainable local communities, plus forest permaculture delightfully revealed.
SUNDAY 2nd of May 2:30 pm ....
Ground Floor Studio
Outfoxed by Robert Greenwald
Rupert Murdoch's war on journalism
Examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, have been running a race to the bottom in tv news. The film provides an in depth look at Fox new and the dangers of ever enlarging corporations taking control of the public’s right to know (70 mins)
More information visit
SUNDAY 18th April 2:30 pm ....
a film by Tracy Worcester
Reveals the impact of factory farming
Abusing animals: 1.2 billion pigs worldwide slaughtered for meat yearly, more than half have been reared by intensely cruel methods giving rise to new and potentially deadly viruses that can infect human kind.
Destroying small farmers: Small independent farmers are relentlessly driven out of business by the economies of scale which large pig production systems can command.
Jeopardising lives by polluting the environment: It is not only animals which are harmed by factory pig farms. Intensive farming puts human health at risk not only by infectious diseases transmitted to human populations
Abusing animals: 1.2 billion pigs worldwide slaughtered for meat yearly, more than half have been reared by intensely cruel methods giving rise to new and potentially deadly viruses that can infect human kind.
Destroying small farmers: Small independent farmers are relentlessly driven out of business by the economies of scale which large pig production systems can command.
Jeopardising lives by polluting the environment: It is not only animals which are harmed by factory pig farms. Intensive farming puts human health at risk not only by infectious diseases transmitted to human populations
Destroying small farmers: Small independent farmers are relentlessly driven out of business by the economies of scale which large pig production systems can command.
Jeopardising lives by polluting the environment: It is not only animals which are harmed by factory pig farms. Intensive farming puts human health at risk not only by infectious diseases transmitted to human populations
SUNDAY 11th April 2:30 pm ....
Ground Floor StudioMoney as Debt
by Paul Grignon, artist and videographer, exposes the International banking cartel’s control over our lives through usury & the power of private money creation as debt. (55 mins)
Financial crisis - credit crunch - taxpayers bail out "free market" bankers.. Hmmm .
Just what's going on?
Who creates money? - Government, corporate and household debt has reached astronomical proportions, how could there be that much money to lend? in truth there isn’t. Today money is debt. A seriously revealing film. You owe it to yourself to find out how we are being duped.
Film followed by opportunity for open conversation. Space for what you want to say facilitated by Andi Tobe of Transition Exeter.
Just what's going on?
Who creates money? - Government, corporate and household debt has reached astronomical proportions, how could there be that much money to lend? in truth there isn’t. Today money is debt. A seriously revealing film. You owe it to yourself to find out how we are being duped.
Film followed by opportunity for open conversation. Space for what you want to say facilitated by Andi Tobe of Transition Exeter.